Rios Family

We are Rafa and Natalie, Tyler, Seth, Rafa Jr., Lysette, Roman, and Ava.

What do you love about VCS?

It truly takes a village to raise our children in this day and age. There’s no better addition to any family’s village than the VCS community. The school and staff are dedicated partners in providing care, education, and mentoring for their students alongside the parents.

Why did you choose VCS for your children?

We chose VCS first because the Lord prompted us so clearly that this was His plan for Rafa Jr. It was an easy decision though, as well, because of my own positive experience as a former student.

Natalie Rios in cheer squad.
Natalie Rios (bottom row) in cheer squad.

In what ways have you seen your children grow in their faith since coming to VCS?

We’ve specifically seen Rafa Jr. come into his own faith in many ways. Before VCS, during any personal struggles, he’d come to us, and we’d direct him to Jesus. Now, during difficult times, he has healthy spiritual support outside of church and home, and he turns to the Lord first, and then shares his heart with us. Teachers, classmates, coaches, and other faculty have all become a huge part of the family of Christ in his life and ours.

Rafa Jr with the VCS falcon mascot.

What is the one word your family would use to describe the Vacaville Christian School experience?


What would you tell other parents who are considering enrolling their children at VCS?

VCS nurtures every layer of your student’s life. If you want to give your child the best possible and well-rounded foundation, then when the door opens for your family at VCS, say yes!

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