Vacaville Christian News

Prothro Family

Prothro Family

For me, there’s nothing better than worshiping with my children & their peers during Chapel. I believe in their program so much so I’ve had children from diapers to diplomas. Blessed is an understatement.

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Villanueva Family

Villanueva Family

Spiritual investment is far more important than any other type of investment. The VCS experience is one that will sow seeds of faith, growth and success generationally.

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Pressing Into Your Child’s Faith

Your child may have just entered early education this year – the idea of graduation may seem incredibly far away. Or maybe your child is in the last semester of his senior year at VCS and you’re wondering, “How did we get here?”

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coffee on campus

Coffee on Campus

For this edition of Coffee on Campus, join Mr. Davis as he interviews VCS National Merit Scholar, Elaina Craig. The National Merit Scholarship is a significant, rare distinction and we are proud of Elaina’s accomplishment.

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